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Learn More About Cohousing

There are many advantages to living in cohousing beyond reduced environmental impacts and a supportive inter-generational community. Below are a few enlightening resources and some frequently asked questions.

Reference Books and Articles

Growing up in cohousing

Former children (now young adults living near and far) contributed to a video from Cobb Hill cohousing community speaking about what spending part of their childhood in the community meant to them and shared some memorable moments.

CoHousing Facts

What is CoHousing? 

Cohousing is designed around the premise that human beings thrive in community with other people.

Before moving in, residents have the collaborative intention to balance the privacy of their independent household with the creation of a community in which they will participate. There is a concern and focus on inclusivity and sustainability in many cohousing groups and members align with this mission. Lastly, collaborative housing involves a number of separate households rather than a single entity and active participation by these households in the development, management, and life of the community which results in beneficial outcomes for the entire community. 


What are some Benefits to living in CoHousing?

Various arguments have been made for the benefits of cohousing. The top arguments made in support of cohousing include the following: 

  • fosters agency, mutual aid, and wellbeing.

  • adds to the supply of affordable housing.

  • strengthens community life and sense of place.


Who Lives in CoHousing?

People who live in cohousing often do so out of a desire to belong to something larger than themselves, to give and receive support, to live rich lives, to live lighter on the planet, to avoid modern isolation and loneliness, to increase the depth and quality of their relationships, to have a sense of purpose, and to ground themselves in community so they can go out in to the world and do amazing things. They are rethinking housing models based on their own needs and not those of profit-oriented production builders.


Are there Environmental Benefits?

Cohousing is a part of the solution to global challenges including climate change, poor urbanization patterns, rising cost of living, social isolation. People benefit by living in an environment that supports their health and improves their well-being. There are a number of environmental impact and cost reduction benefits to cohousing including that fewer resources are used because of shared and more efficient space, that car and tool sharing is popular, that labor sharing like cleaning and gardening is common, and how when communal spaces are shared, private residences become more affordable.

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