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Blue Columbine

A new cohousing option near Denver.

Somos un grupo dinámico de personas que construyen una comunidad de covivienda en Wheat Ridge, Colorado. La covivienda es una forma más nueva de vivir en comunidad: los propietarios son dueños de sus propias casas pero comparten servicios comunes, incluidos espacios al aire libre y una casa común. La Casa Común tiene una cocina grande y una sala común donde compartimos algunas comidas a la semana (opcional), y una sala de entretenimiento, gimnasio, espacios para manualidades, sala de música, biblioteca y cualquier otro espacio que queramos diseñar en ella.


Principios filosóficos que apreciamos: sustentabilidad ambiental, diversidad entre nuestros miembros y conexión entre nosotros y con nuestros vecinos circundantes. Nuestro objetivo es el desarrollo Net Zero en la creación de nuestra comunidad, y nuestro grupo incluye personas que tienen experiencia en planificación, diseño, construcción y uso de energía. Para reunir una comunidad diversa y multigeneracional, tenemos la intención de compartir tantos recursos comunales como sea posible y crear vías para ser propietario de una vivienda por primera vez al incluir algunas unidades de vivienda que sean económicamente más asequibles. También esperamos construir nuestros hogares donde podamos conectarnos fácilmente con la comunidad más grande que nos rodea a pie, en bicicleta y en transporte público.  


Le invitamos a unirse a nosotros en la construcción de nuestra comunidad. Vivir en comunidad e interactuar regularmente con otros nos mantiene saludables, comprometidos y felices. Ya sea que desee observar desde la distancia para seguir nuestro progreso o ser parte integral del diseño de su futuro hogar y propiedad, ¡tenemos un lugar para usted en nuestra mesa!

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Get to Know Us 
Join us for our next gathering on December 18th

Meet others interested in the community and learn more about our progress. Whether you are new to the group or a committed cohouser,  join us in the Lakewood Library Meeting Room.


WHEN: Wednesday, March 5th  from 5:30 - 7:15

WHERE: Sam Gary Library Meeting Room, 2961 Roslyn St, Denver, 80238 



5:30 - 6:00pm Folks arriving and socializing.
6:00 – 7:15pm - Overview of Blue Columbine and the process, timeline and progress, presentation of the flyover and overview of the design, deposit and reservation process explained.


Please RSVP by email HERE


A range of options and offerings
to meet most needs.

Enjoy a range of options and community luxuries from multiple home types to the common house and range of community amenities across the >3 acre site.


Download the Information Package for more about the options and amenities.

An organized mix of amenities.

Explore how the home types and community amenities are spread across the 3+ acre property.


  1. Solar Array

  2. Resident Gardens

  3. Pool

  4. Potting Shed

  5. Pool House and Dog Wash

  6. Bike Barn 

  7. Wood Shop

  8. Common Green

  9. Covered Outdoor Common Patio

  10. Common House

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Meet some of our Members

Mara and Kevin

We currently live in Salt Lake City, UT where Mara is a family medicine physician and Kevin is a pulmonologist. We did some of our medical training in Denver (where we met Meg and Josh) and moved to Salt Lake City in 2000. We have been in Salt Lake for the past 23 years where we have raised two children. Our son is in his first year of college and our daughter is busy in the IB program at high school. We have a German shorthair pointer who makes sure we run with him daily. In the summer we take long hikes in the mountains, run, and ride gravel bikes. In the winter, we enjoy alpine and nordic skiing. We are planning to move to the Blue Columbine co-housing community when we retire in 8-10 years. We like the idea of building a co-housing community from the ground up, so we are investing now in the Blue Columbine co-housing project. Ultimately when we retire, we plan to travel extensively. When not on the road we look forward to being in the Blue Columbine community.

Dave S.

Science fiction author, retired datacomm, and security engineer. I have lots of ideas for cohousing projects and opportunities, honed over a ten-year (failed) effort to create a cohousing community in Austin, TX. I like to hike and bike. My intellectual interests include - history, society, politics, science, tech, and anything else necessary for the worldbuilding of science fiction ranging from near to far future.


I’m a native Californian who became a happy Colorado transplant almost 30 years ago. I believe humans are made for interdependence and thrive in community, even those of us who treasure solitude in our own nests. As a longtime lawyer, organizer, and trainer for a labor union, I know how people can work together for mutual betterment. When not working from home or on the road, I have more interests than time to indulge them. I most love spending time in nature, and everything artistic from writing to crafting and performing (theater date, anyone? Singalong?). I strive to be an engaged citizen and active member of my larger community. I also enjoy communal cooking and look forward to sharing meals with my neighbors at Blue Columbine.

Beth and Brad

We are relatively new empty nesters and live in Littleton. After 21 years, we are looking for a change. We enjoy most outdoor activities, and frequent fun with our friends. We both are still working. Our daughter is in college at Boston University and our son has graduated from CU Boulder. Looking forward to getting to know more good friends!

Meg B.

My husband Josh and I started the Blue Columbine CoHousing community, hoping to build a place where we could live with friends. I am a retired physician with three grown children. I love to be outside hiking, skiing or walking. I enjoy singing, cooking, baking, and entertaining friends. I love mountains, trees, wildflowers and wildlife. CoHousing appeals to me in sharing resources while making socializing with friends an easy and natural part of every day.

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© 2022 creado por Blue Columbine CoHousing 

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